7 Ways to Celebrate (and cultivate) Earth Day With Our Kids!

Earth Day certainly has been inflating lately. Haven’t you noticed? Earth *DAY* has always been just that . . . a day. Then a week or two ago I noticed on the news that Earth *DAY* had been changed to Earth *WEEK*.

“Cool,” I thought. “I can dig it.” I’m an earth-lover and gardener after all.

Then a few days later, I saw that the entire month of April is suddenly being called “EARTH *MONTH*.” Halfway through April we learn that we’ve missed two weeks of Earth . . . Day. Interesting.

Despite the late notice, I suppose this is a good change given the fact that every day should be Earth Day. After all, each and every day we are alive on this planet is quite literally another Earth Day. And for any of us who believe we are *created curators* and called to be stewards of the earth, or for any of us who like to garden . . . well, we know very well that a *DAY* simply won’t cut it.

Our Earth-Day Vegan Chocolate Mousse

I just find it odd this sudden and unexplained change to the calendar. Surprise! Something else decided for us and we weren’t even sent a memo. I guess we just haven’t had enough unpredictability in our lives over the past year? 😆

No matter. I just hope whoever was on the . . . committee . . . to change *Earth Day* to *Earth Month* finds even one day this spring to roll up their sleeves, plant their knees onto God’s green earth, and actually DIG IN THE DIRT.

After all, posters, petitions, and pomp and circumstance don’t (by themselves) add one drop of oxygen to the atmosphere or remove one piece of plastic from a landfill. A little less talk, and a lot more action. Friends, Romans, Earth-Lovers . . . let’s stop environmentally pointing fingers and instead dig in! If we don’t have dirt under our fingernails, then what right do we have to dig up any on our neighbor?

Saving the earth starts with cultivating any piece of it we can get our own two hands on. We have to put to practice sustainability on our own soil before demanding it to be applied to someone else’s plot. And the best way I know for our save-the-planet-cause to truly take root, grow, and flourish is to plant it in the heart of a child. And that means digging in the dirt, together.

But I digress.

Whether you celebrate just one day, one week, one month, or Earth-it-up all 365 . . . today I have for you some simple, grounded ways we can serve and honor creation with our children!

~7 Ways to Celebrate (and cultivate) Earth Day with our Kids!~

1.) Reading the Creation Story + other Earth-Celebrating Books

2.) Planting Seeds & Pulling Weeds (duh!)

3.) Listening to Our Earth Day Playlist

4.) Making this Earth Day Vegan Chocolate Mousse

*Just three ingredients and minutes to make!!!

5.) Taking The Miss Rumphius Challenge!

Let’s all commit to each “do something to make the world more beautiful.”

6.) Raising/Releasing Butterflies and/or Ladybugs

7.) Observing Nature for a morning or afternoon

Either in stillness:


or on a nature walk:

Happy Earth Day Week Month . . . YEAR!

For the beauty of the earth, 
for the splendor of the skies, 
for the love which from our birth 
over and around us lies. 

Christ, our Lord, to thee we raise 
this, our hymn of grateful praise. 

For the wonder of each hour 
of the day and of the night, 
hill and vale and tree and flower, 
sun and moon and stars of light.

Christ, our Lord, to thee raise 
this, our hymn of grateful praise. 

For the joy of human love, 
brother, sister, parent, child, 
friends on earth, and friends above, 
for all gentle thoughts and mild.

Christ, our Lord, to thee we raise 
this, our hymn of grateful praise. 

For yourself, best gift divine, 
to the world so freely given, 
agent of God’s grand design: 
peace on earth and joy in heaven.

Christ, our Lord, to thee we raise 
this, our hymn of grateful praise. 

 Folliott Sandford Pierpoint (1864)

Thanks for reading!

Love, ~OurHolisticHomeschool~

3 Replies to “7 Ways to Celebrate (and cultivate) Earth Day With Our Kids!”

  1. Friends! Romans! Earth lovers! Ha ha ha, I laughed out loud! This cis the best Earth Day challenge ever and you ended with that beautiful hymn!❤️

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