📚New Year’s READolutions for 2023🦉 What’s on your Book-It List?

Welcome, fellow book lover! Thanks for dropping by. Earlier this week I shared ☕What Mom & Pop Read in 2022📚 and today we’re moving on to what’s on-the-books for 2023. Hey, it’s still January for thirty-eight more hours!

Today we are exploring how we can utilize reading to shape our lives through a fun little practice I debuted last year called New Year’s “READolutions.” In essence, this tradition capitalizes on the belief that text is transformative and involves aligning ones reading choices each year directly to the core values and long-term goals of the individual. You can read more about what this might look like and how to “READolutionize” your year in the posts linked below! 😉

Grab a cup of tea, my friend, and let’s chat books!

~My BOOK-IT List for 2023~

We learn “line by line, line by line, a little here, a little there.” Isaiah 28:10

Isn’t it incredible to visualize a shelf of beautiful books gaining admittance into one’s mind, body, and soul in the course of a year’s time?

In truth, I’m intimidated to share my reading goal for this year with you all. I’m attempting my first ever 5×5 reading challenge (from the Scholé Sisters podcast). This simply means reading five books in five varied genres over the course of one year. Of course, I made it slightly more complicated by aligning my chosen genres to my goals for this year —my READolutuons for 2023! I have never read this many books in one year before (not even when in college), so I’m definitely a little nervous.

Some of you smarty pants may be thinking, “wait, there aren’t twenty-five books in the lineup in that picture!” and you’d be correct. I put together an initial 3×5 list; three books in five varied genres, accounting for three caveats (although there are sure to be more). Firstly, I’m accounting for research reading I regularly do throughout the year in preparation for blog content. Secondly, I’m including the ten or so titles I plan to read aloud to our kids this year because I believe that what we do with our kids should count, across the board! And thirdly, I want to keep a little wiggle room for whimsy and book clubs as those opportunities arise.

With all that in mind, this shelf of books is generously audacious for me. Wish me luck! Whether I succeed or fail miserably, either way you’re welcome to find out all about it next January! 😆

WELLS OF WISDOM in Five F’s –the content areas I’ve selected for my “READolutions” this year:

  • Faith
  • Family
  • Farm Life
  • Fiction
  • Fitness & Nutrition

Let’s BOOK-IT, shall we?


The Lie: Evolution by Ken Ham

After reading A Flood of Evidence this past year (read my review here) I just had to get another Ken Ham title on my Book-It List for 2023. I’m particularly excited about this one because the Captain (our seven-year-old son) is currently reading through The Answers Books for Kids by Ken Ham and has become passionate about creationism versus evolution. It’s super cute and even more intimidating because I didn’t learn this stuff in Sunday School. I figured I had better advance my own understanding of this crucial debate so I can keep up with our little creationist.

Stealing from God by Frank Turek

I only know four things about this book. One, the title is bold, and I appreciate that. Two, since beginning my scratching-the-surface-studies in apologetics I have seen Frank Turek quoted more than any other apologist. Three, my mom sent me this book and said I should read it. And four, it was on last year’s Book-It List. Yes, I’m moving it to the top of the stack even though it doesn’t have a gold-embossed binding. Growth.

Will They Stand by Ken Ham

Yes, another Ken Ham book, but one particularly geared toward apologetic parenting, which is something I need a lot of these days. This title was recommended in Mama Bear Apologetics (read my rave here) so I ordered it on the spot. I’m looking forward to arming our family further in defense of our Christian faith.


Holy Hygge by Jamie Erikson

There are two simple reasons this book made my 2023 Book-It List. One, I follow Jamie Erikson’s blog and have come to trust her book reviews enough that I feel confident in giving one of her approved reads to our son without having to pre-read it myself. This is a very lovely mercy for the Christian homeschool mom. Two, I’ve just got to learn more about this “hygge” craze.

I haven’t heard the word “Danish” so much since my days of Mother Daughter Teas (a 90’s church thing) when it simply meant a delicious, fruit-filled pastry.

Well, that’s what it meant to me anyway. I must say I’m hesitant on this word “holy,” but I’m suspending my skepticism.

The Convivial Homeschool by Mystie Winckler

I’ve enjoyed getting to know Mystie Winckler as one of the faces of the Scholé Sisters podcast (in other words, she doesn’t know me from Eve), so I thought I’d give her book a try. After I ordered it, I realized that the foreword is written by Sarah Mackenzie, author of two of my favorite home education books: The Read-Aloud Family and Teaching from Rest. I am hopeful that this book will aid in the continued nurturing of our home and homeschool.

Educated by Tara Westover

Curiosity is what clicked the buy-it-now button on this title. I’ve just got to see what all the fuss and controversy is about! It seems I’m always fashionably late to these parties. Hip has never really been my thing unless a rose is coming out of it. Speaking of roses . . . let’s transition to this year’s gardening section!

~Farm Life~

Carrots Love Tomatoes by Louise Riotte

Call me a carrot (or a tomato) because I love this book. I read half of it this past summer but have decided I need to start all over again to hopefully master the art of companion planting. For such a loveable title, this guide is not a fluffy read. I adore Riotte’s lifetime of gardening wisdom all compiled in enlightening, delicious detail.

I wish I had a gardening granny to follow me around as I plant lettuce, peas, and potatoes. I have found Louise Riotte to be the next best thing.

All New Square Foot Gardening Method by Mel Bartholomew

I also made it halfway through this book in 2022. What did I tell you? I have a squirrel problem. Even at a mere half read, this title made it onto our list of 🌾Five Gardening Decisions🌻 that made ALL THE DIFFERENCE for our first growing season on the homestead! I’m so excited to finish this book and apply more principles to this year’s veggie garden!

Restoration Agriculture by Mark Shepard

Yet another partial completion; I listened to a third of this book on audio this past year before deciding that I simply couldn’t manage without margins to write in! I would call this book groundbreaking . . . except the author is a permaculture advocate and doesn’t believe in tilling the earth. Although listening to this book made me feel a tad stupid, I’m excited to finish it in print where hopefully I will excel beyond my sub-par listening skills.


Confession: I have not read a single fictional title since our son was six months old. He’s almost eight now, by the way. Somehow the parasitic thought that fiction is a luxury I simply can’t afford claim-jumped my better judgement when I became a parent.

Since my inauguration into motherhood, there has invariably been that book that seemed it couldn’t wait. From how-the-bleep-do-I-get-this-kid-to-sleep manuals, to homemade baby food guides, to toddler tantrum tutorials, to potty training whisperers, to read-aloud handbooks, to many a library tote of education literature . . . there hasn’t seemed to be enough time for other’s stories amidst the unfolding of our own.

But now, with two kids who are well fed, well read, and whom actually go to bed . . . I think I can breathe a little, put my poverty mindset to rest, and indulge in the welcome respite of story again.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows

Ok, I’ve got to be straight with you, dear friends: my reasons for this selection are feeble indeed. I enjoyed the movie and I adore the soundtrack. Yup, that’s about the size of it!

Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver

After reading Animal Vegetable Miracle this past year (read my rave here), I can’t wait to read Barbara Kingsolver in a fictional penning. If she can make real-life so positively enthralling, I’m expecting to have my senses blown by Kingsolver freehand.

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

I hated this book in 8th grade. I realize it was probably my fault. So, I thought I would see if I’ve grown in the past twenty years. That is all.

~Fitness and Nutrition~

How Not to Diet by Michael Greger

I started this book after Goldilocks was born, you know, to lose the baby weight. In short, I wasn’t ready to be intentional and atomic in my efforts. Well, four years later and still a bit of Goldilocks . . . ummm . . . porridge to go, I’m finally ready. I loved Michael Greger’s first book, How Not to Die (don’t judge it by its tongue-in-cheek title) and am excited to educate myself deeper on the topic of superfoods particularly targeted toward trimming down. I’ll spare you (and myself) the before and after pictures, weigh ins, and all of that din. In the end, if I merely gain more antioxidants and lose nothing, that will be alright with me.

Super Immunity by Joel Fuhrman

In addition to being a fan of Dr. Joel Fuhrman and his famous acronym G-BOMBS, which is one of my favorite nutrition tools, our family is just plain sick of being sick. In general, people get hung up on whether us homeschool families are getting enough socialization. Well, I’ll tell you, the past flu season it was illness, not homeschooling, that made us hermits against our will. It was great for our family’s reading life and sucky for everything else. We made it to a whopping three social outings in the entire month of December. The other twenty-five days were spent coughing, sneezing, and worse.

As I see it, our immune systems are all shot and I’m desperate to turn it around, as I know many of our friends are also. If we have to down kale like human woodchippers, well, bring it on.

The Blue Zones by Dan Buettner

I believe that Dr. Greger mentioned this body of study in How Not to Die but I forgot about it entirely until a few weeks ago when Zac Efron reminded me. My hubby and I were watching a particularly interesting episode on the Netflix series Down to Earth on the topic of longevity. If you aren’t familiar with the show or particular episode, Zac Efron and his co-host Darin Olien traveled to Sardinia, Italy to meet with the world’s highest population of centenarians (people who live to see their hundredth birthday). Places like these that boast exceptional longevity are now referred to as “blue zones” and attract a lot of attention from health and wellness researchers. I was intrigued by this episode, which led me to this book (the first of a series) which explores the eating and lifestyle habits of the world’s longest-living humans. I’m hoping that this book will offer some unexpected takeaways beyond just “eat a lot of vegetables and get off the couch.” Speaking of the couch, I better get off mine now!

Thanks for reading, friends! What’s on your Book-It List for 2023? Comment below! 😀

Love, ~Our Holistic Homeschool~